Lacking in energy? Do you feel tired in the afternoons? Are you struggling to drag yourself out of bed in the morning? Are you experiencing tiredness and hunger throughout the day despite eating breakfast lunch and dinner? “You deserve to experience more energy so you can win each and every day. So you can get …
Back to School – health checklist
Back to School Healthy Checklist. Every January millions of Australian children, including some of my very own patients from my chiropractic clinic in Burwood East, go back to school. With fresh books and polished shoes, it is a very exciting time. While our kids are busy learning their times tables, developing, and growing it is …
I’m back in the clinic with new hours!
I’m back in the practice. Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Burwood East? After my enforced closure due to my husband catching Covid, I am back! To all those wondering, I never caught it. I was PCR tested three times in the two weeks following his diagnosis, but I was negative on every test, …
Life at home with COVID – Part 2
Things got worse before they got better! My post last week stated that Hubster’s symptoms were flu-like, but they got a lot worse before they got better. He has had aching legs and back with stabbing pains in his leg muscles. He was feverish with fevers that reached 39.7 degrees. He was hot, sweaty, and …
Life at home with COVID
I truthfully never thought I would be writing to you about my at-home experience with covid. I secretly hoped I would be able to get a natural immunity. But I never actually thought it would happen. But here we are. I yet am not covid positive. But I am caring for my husband who has …
Just Add Water
Your body is designed to be healthy. Your body is made up of cells, lots and lots of cells. If you give them what they need, you will have a healthy body! What are the requirements for healthy cells? Water is at the top of that list; water is an essential element for the health …
How to enjoy treats as part of a healthy eating plan
What do you classify as a treat? What makes a treat a treat? Is a treat inherently bad for you? The diet culture has truly warped our minds around food. As I was growing up I had a strong feeling of food being good or bad for me. I’m not sure it was taught …
How to enjoy treats as part of a healthy eating planRead More
4 Nutritional Tips to Improve Depression
The W.H.O organisation defines depression as “Depression is a common mental disorder affecting more than 264 million people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. It can also disturb sleep and appetite; tiredness and poor concentration are common. Depression is a leading …
Stop blocking your own path to success!
Want to eat healthily? But keep reaching for the chocolate? Want to exercise? But the latest Netflix series is calling your name? Want to get organised? But there is too much to do? I still remember when I was 16 and learning to drive. My Dad took me out for practice, (after the obligatory …
How to naturally boost your mood.
Are you feeling like you are in chronic pain? Do you feel dissatisfied with life? Are you feeling unloved and distant from everyone? Are your moods fluctuating frequently? If you said yes, you will like this article on how to naturally boost your mood!! The problems above are very common, I hear them from …
Do you wake up stiff and sore?
Are you waking up stiff and sore in the mornings? Do you feel like you are older than your years? Does it take you at least 5 minutes to get moving? Is a hot shower required before you feel like you can move? One reason for all this morning stiffness could be related to what …
Slow Bowels? Estrogen Dominance?
Slow bowels? Only pooping every few days? Are you also noticing? Heavy painful periods Swollen tender breasts Increased body fat on hips and thighs Headaches/migraines Mood swings creating irritability or impatience Did you know your slow bowel movements could be creating these signs of estrogen dominance? When your body is done with the estrogen it …
Are you as Mobile as you Think?
During March, I will be asking my patients to get more mobile for Mobility Month! A recent survey by the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) found that one in ten Australians claim their pain hindered their ability to play with their children; one in ten indicated impacts on intimate relationships; and one in 20 realised their …
Balancing Hormones with Vitamin D
As a nutritionist and a chiropractor, I talk with many women in pain and struggling with hormonal issues. Nutritional sufficiencies are key to hormonal health, inflammation control, and whole-body health. If you don’t feed your body with the nutritional building blocks it requires to perform its daily functions it cannot expect it to work optimally! …
Breaking free of stress
I see a lot of female clients that are stressed! This stress causes an imbalance of hormones creating a cascade of side effects including weight-loss resistance, frazzled brain, inability to focus, lethargy, sugar and coffee cravings, exhaustion, anxiety, and many other symptoms. When these amazing women try to address the symptoms they get nowhere. They …
Slow metabolism? – How lifting weights can help.
“I have a slow metabolism” A phrase I have caught myself saying and hear often from my clients. What does it mean? What is metabolism really? How does it affect your weight? I have often felt I have a slow metabolism. I have decided that if a famine hit Australia, I would be fine. My …
Wellness Care – How does Chiropractic help?
What is Wellness? Is it just a fancy word for feeling good, or a hippy term for spiritual enlightenment? says wellness is: noun the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort. an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed …
17 Surprising benefits to walking
The hint of spring and warmer weather is here. Although as I type this it is about 10 degrees celsius outside, freezing and raining. But I have had a few glimpses of sunshine, in the last week or so, that has given me hope that summer is on its way. I even went for a …