Are Stand-Up Desks a Good Idea? Yes. (With a few caveats) Before I rant about the benefits of stand-up desks, why is sitting so bad? Why has sitting been pronounced as the new smoking? Research has shown that sitting is detrimental to your overall health. Some of the listed side effects of prolonged sitting …
The Importance of Rest Days
The Importance of Rest Days. I spend much of my time talking to clients about the importance of exercise. It is definitely important for virtually all aspects of your health. Before I tell you that rest days are good, here are some reminders of the benefits of exercise. Reduced risk of heart disease Better metabolism …
The BEST Desk Stretches
Grab your FREE copy of my Best Desk Stretches! I know that you are working hard and that your desk may not be the most comfortable set-up! So these stretches can be done at your desk or wherever you feel like stretching. Even if you have the most ergonomically perfect desk set up your body …
Do your suffer from Jaw Pain?
Do you suffer from Jaw Pain? Many people suffer from pain in or around the jaw. But not all jaw problems cause pain only. Other symptoms of jaw issues are: Headaches Neck pain Shoulder pain Light sensitivity Sound sensitivity Earache Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) Dizziness Causes of Jaw problems are varied. As a …
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a common issue in today’s society. But you don’t have to suffer. Treatments are available. A chiropractor could be the best solution for you. Possible Causes of Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of these include: Slouching posture Forward head postures Inflammed bursae Osteoarthritis Traumatic …
2 Good and 3 Bad Sleeping Postures
Have you ever woken up in the morning with a sore back, a spasmed neck, or an aching shoulder? Likely the position you are sleeping in is poor. This post will cover 2 good sleeping postures and 3 bad sleeping postures. Discover if your favourite position is good or bad! There are definitely …
Workspace Posture
Workspace Posture: The benefits of an ergonomically correct desk. Due to long-running COVID-19 lockdowns and persistent calls to work from home caused by ongoing outbreaks, the majority of Australians have spent the past three years working between home and office locations, with the risks to the health of those not working in ergonomically correct workspaces …
Chiropractic or Physiotherapy?
Chiropractic or Physiotherapy? Who should you see? If only I had a dollar for the number of times I have been asked this question. To understand the answer to this question let’s dive into the benefits of each profession. What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic focuses on the function of your spine and its effect on …
Preventative Spinal Care.
Want to maintain your spinal health? Did you know that chiropractic care can be a preventative spinal care option? Meaning you don’t have to wait until you’re suffering from neck pain to seek help for it. Whether you’re a new or existing chiropractic patient, if you’re eager to maintain your neck health before it becomes …
Do you wake up with pain?
Do you wake up in pain? Is bad sleep posture slowing you down? A good night’s sleep is essential for good health and overall wellbeing. However, is poor sleeping posture slowing you down? A poor night’s sleep can significantly impact a healthy and supported neck. From old mattresses to incorrect sleeping positions, bad posture and inadequate …
Text Neck? Consider a Chiro.
Is your neck aching from endless browsing, swiping and texting? Do you wake up with a stiff neck from poor sleep? Maybe you’ve been practising some bad habits lately? This Spinal Health Week (23-29 May) we are asking our patients and community to Consider a Chiro. For Text neck, consider a Chiro. Research shows …
Neck Pain and Chiropractic
Neck Pain – Chiropractic Care Dr. Anthea Holder – Chiropractor Burwood Neck pain is very common, affecting 30% to 50% of adults in the general population in any given year. Chiropractic can be an effective treatment and management of neck pain. What causes neck pain: The neck is the spine portion between the head …
Is Chiropractic Care safe in Pregnancy?
Chiropractic care can be a safe and effective treatment for the musculoskeletal pains of pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time of great change in a mother’s body. It is preparing and creating a comfortable and safe environment for a growing baby. Chiropractic care may be a wonderful addition to your health care during pregnancy. The changes …
Sciatica, back and leg pain.
Do you suffer from any of these sciatica symptoms? searing pain down the back of your leg struggling to get out of your chair without back pain that shoots down into your hamstring and calf tingling, numbness, weakness, or burning pain down your leg Chiropractic care may be able to help you. What is sciatica? …
What to Expect at your First Chiropractic Appointment
What to Expect at Your First Chiropractic Appointment A first chiropractic appointment is very similar to other healthcare providers. A typical new patient visit consists of four components. Health history, where we will ask you questions about your health concerns and health history. We will go over the information you have provided on the forms that …
What to Expect at your First Chiropractic AppointmentRead More
How to prevent and ease Tension Headaches
Are you suffering from tension headaches? You know the ones; they start in your neck with tension building until you can feel it around your head right into your eyes and temples. They can pound or ache and they only get worse the longer you sit at your desk and try to work! You lose …
7 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor
Do you need to visit a chiropractor? The meaning of the word Chiropractic in Greek is ‘cheri’ (hand) and praktiki (practice) – done by hand. This is a very accurate description of chiropractic care. Chiropractors use their hands to examine and treat the health conditions related to the spine (and other bones) muscles, joints, and …
How Chiropractic can help you maintain good posture
Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Healthy posture requires the correct balance of muscle activation against gravity. Our everyday movements and positions can result in poor postural habits and lead to pain and potentially permanent damage. A healthy posture helps us stand, walk, sit and …
How Chiropractic can help you maintain good postureRead More