Back to School Healthy Checklist. Every January millions of Australian children, including some of my very own patients from my chiropractic clinic in Burwood East, go back to school. With fresh books and polished shoes, it is a very exciting time. While our kids are busy learning their times tables, developing, and growing it is …
I’m back in the clinic with new hours!
I’m back in the practice. Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Burwood East? After my enforced closure due to my husband catching Covid, I am back! To all those wondering, I never caught it. I was PCR tested three times in the two weeks following his diagnosis, but I was negative on every test, …
Life at home with COVID – Part 2
Things got worse before they got better! My post last week stated that Hubster’s symptoms were flu-like, but they got a lot worse before they got better. He has had aching legs and back with stabbing pains in his leg muscles. He was feverish with fevers that reached 39.7 degrees. He was hot, sweaty, and …
Life at home with COVID
I truthfully never thought I would be writing to you about my at-home experience with covid. I secretly hoped I would be able to get a natural immunity. But I never actually thought it would happen. But here we are. I yet am not covid positive. But I am caring for my husband who has …
Balancing Hormones with Vitamin D
As a nutritionist and a chiropractor, I talk with many women in pain and struggling with hormonal issues. Nutritional sufficiencies are key to hormonal health, inflammation control, and whole-body health. If you don’t feed your body with the nutritional building blocks it requires to perform its daily functions it cannot expect it to work optimally! …