Things got worse before they got better!
My post last week stated that Hubster’s symptoms were flu-like, but they got a lot worse before they got better. He has had aching legs and back with stabbing pains in his leg muscles. He was feverish with fevers that reached 39.7 degrees. He was hot, sweaty, and cold all at once. He had throbbing head pain and a sore throat with a cough. His energy levels were and still are tanked out. He had diarrhea that was “kiwi – the inside of a kiwi” green for two days. He had no appetite and has eaten very little. But he has turned the corner, yesterday he awoke and nothing hurt. The fatigue is still extreme, but the aches and sore throat, and other symptoms have lifted. It still tires him out to take a little 5-minute walk in the backyard. But he can do it and he is feeling far less pained.
My main concern during this time has been to make sure I get some food and liquids in him, watch his temperature and ensure he is comfortable. He has used Panadol alongside the supplements to ease his pain and reduce his temperature when it got high. Yesterday was the first day with no Panadol for fever and he only took one in the evening for a headache that persisted so much so he couldn’t sleep in the evening time. This morning he awoke pain-free again.

Fighting off this flu has been hard work for Hubsters body, but he has managed it. The way the body heals and fights infection is quite amazing. The fevers are the body’s way to try to kill the infection, by making the environment for the virus unsustainable. (Hence, we tried to allow the body to ride through a fever the best we could before reducing it with Panadol, but at times that was too much for him). The inflammation is the body’s way to bring immune cells to the regions required to fight and kill the virus, and to bring the clean-up cells to get rid of the mess the immune cells made killing the virus. Our bodies are amazing! None of these actions make you feel good, but ultimately your body is always trying to serve you, trying to keep you alive. It does its best with what it has to work with. That is why we have tried to keep Hubsters body supplied with the nutrients, sleep, and movement it needs to fight, heal, and now repair.
During this time I have still remained symptom-free and (as far I am presently aware) covid free too. So apart from looking after Hubster some of the things I have been doing to keep occupied are:
- Watched a lot of crappy crime shows on Acorn TV (ever heard of the Lost Letter Mysteries?)
- Ridden the exercise bike whilst watching the crappy crime shows
- Attended the ACA women’s health symposium (online chiropractic seminar)
- Cooked (whilst watching said shows)
- Cleaned
- Texting and calling a lot of friends and family
- Read – The Essential Oils Menopause solution by Dr. Mariza Snyder and Hormone Repair Manual by Lara Briden.
Much of this learning at seminars and in my reading material is further research for my upcoming course “Thrive after 35.” If you are a woman over 35 with signs of perimenopause or wanting to prevent the symptoms of perimenopause jump on over and join my group “Thrive after 35” on my Facebook page. I will keep you updated about what the course is all about and what is coming up in the future.
What I have cooked/created:
- Spaghetti Bolognese sauce
- Roasted Eggplant and red capsicum dip
- Mango Sorbet
I have learned a lot about friendship during this time. I have learned that friends care and that accepting help is good. It helps you receive what you need and it helps them feel needed and required. We have received so many deliveries some in request and some unprompted. Thank you to everyone who has dropped us things. Thank you so much, it is truly a highlight of the day when a car pulls in the driveway, and I get to wave at a friend or family member. Also to the friends who have listened to me blab blab on the phone or via text over the last week, thank you! This was the first time in the last two years of covid that I have been stuck in the house and not had people to talk to. Every lockdown I have been able to go for a walk or to the shops or even go to work and see the clients that have needed adjusting. So thank you for chatting to me, for supplying us with food and treats, and for generally being amazing people. We love the community of friends that have grown around us. Thank you!
I will most likely still be in lockdown next Monday. So you may have one more email about life at home with covid.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Anthea Holder
(Chiropractor and Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner)