Are All Patients Adjusted the Same Way?
Chiropractic care is individualized for each and every patient. Where you need an adjustments and how that adjustment is done will vary greatly from person to person.
It is like asking a hairdresser “Does every client get the same hair cut?”
Every client that visits the hairdresser will get the hairdressers best job for them. Some will get a wash and blowdry, some will get a style, some will get cut short, some will get layers, some will get a colour. They all get what they want or need to walk out looking great and feeling fabulous.
When you visit a chiropractor they will ask you about your history and assess your needs and wants for your chiropractic care. You will undergo tests to check what has happened to your spine and nervous system and then a plan of action is formed. If indicated and with your consent chiropractic care may commence.
The care that is chosen for a patient is designed according to their individual needs and requirements. An osteoporotic elderly client with neck pain will be adjusted differently to a 25 year old football player with neck pain.
What are adjustments?
The adjustment is the means by which we correct a subluxation of the spine. It involves movement. The aim is to move a spinal joint to influence the local nerves. That movement can come from our hands, with an activator, with drop mechanisms in the table, or with blocks. All techniques of adjusting look and feel different. But they are for the same reason. To restore the natural movement of a joint and re-establish good neural messaging between the brain and the body.
What are subluxations?
A subluxation is a spinal segment that no longer moves correctly affecting the neural messages throught the associated nerves. This can lead to a localised inflammatory response, tight muscles, it may also lead to pain (local and/or referred), it means there are increased stress signals to the brain, which will add to the stress load on the entire body.
Don’t put off your pain and discomfort any longer.
If you think you need to be checked for subluxations, or you think you need adjusting you can book a free discovery call with me, your local Burwood Chiropractor, or you can book straight in for an initial chiropractic visit to be assessed.
Contact Dr. Anthea Holder to book an appointment today.
As a chiropractor and nutritionist, I see patients daily that breakthrough aches and pains and reverse the signs of ageing joints with chiropractic care. With help, they can turn their life around to a happier, healthier version of themselves. Make yourself a priority today, and get back to living life at your best.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Anthea Holder
(Chiropractor and Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner)